a quick seafood supper

getting home at 7pm is fine. having to work late and not making it home until gone 8:30pm makes me grumpy*. and hungry.
delicious dishes that i can turn around really quickly are an important part of my cooking repertoire. making them something a bit special is even more important, particularly for David, given the grumpy-factor that is at play as i slump in and wait for my food to be ready. somehow prawns always up the special-factor so this dish is a regular stand-by.
this dish is my contribution to presto pasta nights, as hosted by ruth at once upon a feast.
speedy prawn pasta (serves 2)
spaghetti for two
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 large clove garlic, crushed
1 red chilli, finely chopped
200g king prawns
juice of 1 lemon
1 handful fresh basil, shredded
put the pasta on to cook.
heat the olive oil and fry the garlic and chilli until soft and fragrant. when the pasta is almost ready add the prawns to the garlic/chilli mix plus the lemon juice and cook through.
mix with the pasta and basil and serve.
* i know that some people will think this is fine but given i leave the house at 7am, i don’t.