the end of an era

this week, after seven very happy years, i am moving out of my beautiful flat. this means saying goodbye to the first home i bought and recognising that my many happy memories are going to be filed away with nothing new being added.
many of these memories involve food, most of which i have made in my small kitchen, pictured above. there have been lots of parties (i think the most people i catered for/played host to was c50 shortly after moving in which was more people than could comfortably fit), lunches or suppers with friends (very few friends have not eaten here at least once, i love cooking for people), and of course evenings a deux with david plus very precious “home alone” time.
having said all of that, i am wonderfully excited about moving (we are staying within london, just moving a bit further east) and am really looking forward to getting to know a new set of shops, markets, restaurants and, given my new kitchen is bigger, hopefully some new gadgets (i’m thinking ice cream machine, any other ideas?!?). i’m also going to have a garden for the first time which is wonderfully exciting and creates both vegetable and kitten potential!
however, getting settled is going to take a bit of time so please bear with me if things on the blog slow down a bit.