prawn and pancetta linguine

David and I are just back from a much-needed holiday in Boston and New York. i’ll write up the foodie highlights later in the week but thought i’d share this prawn and pancetta linguine with you in the meantime.
This was our first meal back at home and served the very valuable dual purposes of being exceedingly simple (jetlag cooking after a no-sleep fight is never gonna be a good idea) and kinda healthy (we over-ate whilst away, what a surprise).
It was all pulled together in a sleepy haze but tasted both fresh (the lemon and basil) and comforting (the smoky pancetta and large amounts of slow cooked garlic).give it a try and let me know what you think.
prawn and pancetta linguine (serves 2)
linguine for 2
3 tablespoons olive oil
2 cloves garlic, finely sliced (use less if you’d prefer)
½ a red chilli, finely chopped
25g pancetta rashers
100ml white wine
2 raw peeled handfuls prawns*
zest and juice of 1 lemon
handful fresh basil
cook the linguine.
heat the olive oil and cook the garlic and chilli over a low heat – you almost want the garlic to caramelise. add the pancetta part way through. when the linguine is almost ready add the white wine to garlic, chilli, pancetta mix and turn the heat up so it bubbles away. add the prawns and lemon juice and cook until the prawns are ready – this will only take a minute or so. add the lemon zest and basil and serve atop the linguine.
*i chopped mine into smaller pieces, i’m not sure why as i never do this. i blame the jetlag. you can leave them whole if you prefer.