roasted, stuffed monkfish

we’ve not been eating much fish recently, apart from my ever-favourite peppered mackerel (look here for lots of recipe ideas) so I decided to get something different in for easter weekend.
a monkfish tail is what I ended up with and, having been inspired by a rick stein recipe, I removed the bone and stuffed it with pistachio and olive pesto, slivers of sundried tomatoes and finely chopped pieces of preserved lemon peel. I wrapped this in pancetta and roasted it for half an hour on a bed of finely sliced fennel and red pepper.
this waitrose recipe for leek and white bean salad was recommended by a friend and was delicious with the fish, although I swapped the mustards for a bit more of my pesto so that it would have similar flavours. everything worked together really well and was a nice indulgent way to get back into the fish habit.