raspberry and chocolate meringue stack

meringue is a favourite of mine and whenever i’m cooking for friends i often consider whether or not a i can squeeze a meringue pudding into the menu. eton mess is a particular favourite and i now have something that i can use when the soft fruits of summer are not available.
this meringue stack was inspired by a nigella lawson recipe although she uses a chocolate crème patisserie filling and sprinkles her stack with shards of pistachio. my version is definitely not a healthier option but it less time-consuming, relying on a filling of double cream whipped with a bought chocolate sauce.
and what a chocolate sauce – i used napa valley belgian chocolate sauce with cabernet sauvignon, a gift from a well-travelled friend. the alcoholic kick added an additional touch of decadence making this the perfect dinner party dessert.
hopefully it is also perfect for foodie chickie ani's event in honour of her passion for nigella lawson. it’s not a nigella recipe but i think it fits perfectly with her philosophy of decadence and short cuts where practicable!
raspberry and chocolate meringue stack (serves 6-8)
300ml double cream
200l chocolate sauce (i imagine that nutella would work or melt chocolate, allowing it to cool before mixing with the cream)
200-300g fresh raspberries
meringue discs:
6 egg whites
300g golden caster sugar
3 tablespoons cocoa powder
1 teaspoon red wine vinegar
preheat the oven to 140c and line three baking sheets with parchment, drawing a 20cm circle onto each (if your trays are large you’ll be able to do two discs on each).
beat the egg whites until stiff. continue beating, adding the sugar one tablespoon at a time. when it has all been incorporated sprinkle over the cocoa powder and vinegar and fold this in.
divide the meringue between the three baking trays, spreading them evenly. cook for 1 hour then turn off the oven and leave them until they are cold.
mix the chocolate sauce with the cream and beat until thick. stack the meringue discs, layer each with the chocolate cream and a sprinkling of raspberries.