wriggly worm noodles

two pasta recipes in one week? well, why not, i am playing host for presto pasta nights after all! i hope you’re planning to share one of your noodle or pasta dishes with me too.
this roasted tomato and basil with fusilli lunghi bucati (that must translate as wriggly worm noodles, don’t you love them!) is oh so easy if, like me, you’re regularly slow-roasting batches of the abundant tomatoes which are available and are delicious in sandwiches, as part of a salad, mixed with scrambled eggs or, of course, tossed with pasta.
these quartered tomatoes were simply tossed with olive oil, placed skin side down on a roasting try and cooked at 150c until soft and partly dried out – c90 minutes. i then mixed the roasted tomatoes with some shredded basil and a little 4 year old balsamic vinegar (more sweet than vinegary) and then added them to the pasta. uber easy and uber delicious. you should try it.